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yorkie on bed lifestyle

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The Bark

Essential Tips for Pet Safety During the July Fourth Holiday

Essential Tips for Pet Safety During the July Fourth Holiday

The July Fourth holiday is a time for celebration, fireworks, and family gatherings. While humans enjoy the festivities, it can be a stressful and dangerous time for pets. In this blog post, we'll ...
Puppy Training 101: Basic Puppy Training
Dog Behavior

Puppy Training 101: Basic Puppy Training

So you've got a new puppy with the perfect name all picked out. Now it's on to one of the toughest tasks of bringing a new puppy home: training. It’s important to know what you’re in for and the t...
10 Mood-Boosting Tips For Calming Anxious Pets

10 Mood-Boosting Tips For Calming Anxious Pets

Pets can experience anxiety and stress in a similar way that humans can. However, they can’t talk to a friend or an expert about what’s worrying them. It’s up to their humans to spot the signs of w...
Safe Traveling With Pets: What You Need to Know
Dog Behavior

Safe Traveling With Pets: What You Need to Know

If you’re taking your pet on the road with you, keep in mind the fact that it can be a bit of an ordeal for them. Unlike taking kids on a journey, you can’t explain to them how much longer the trip...
Don't Let Halloween be a Scary Time for Pets

Don't Let Halloween be a Scary Time for Pets

Photo by Sarah Pflug Halloween is full of frightful sugar-induced fun for kids and adults alike, but when it comes to pets, the same treats that we enjoy can cause severe illness, or worse. If ...
Clean Pup, Happy Life! Our Five Best Dog Bath Hacks
Dog Behavior

Clean Pup, Happy Life! Our Five Best Dog Bath Hacks

You may be noticing that you are visiting the dog salon less and giving your dog baths at home more. In this new era of doing-it-yourself, we thought we’d share five simple and safe tips that will ...
The Complete Guide to Potty Training a Puppy
Dog Behavior

The Complete Guide to Potty Training a Puppy

So you’ve just welcomed a new puppy into your home—now what? How do you protect your carpet, furniture, and sanity? Potty training might seem like an overwhelming concept for someone who has never ...
5 Ways to Reduce Stress in an Adopted Dog
Dog Behavior

5 Ways to Reduce Stress in an Adopted Dog

Bringing home an adopted dog is a wonderful time. Many dogs are tentative at first, but quickly come to love their new environment and family. Those first few weeks can be stressful for your pet th...
Indoor Activities For Dogs During The Winter
Dog Behavior

Indoor Activities for Dogs During the Winter

Winter weather usually means more time inside, which is a welcoming idea to those of us who want to curl up on the couch and binge-watch our favorite shows – but not for our pets who might get a li...