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yorkie on bed lifestyle

earthbath Blog

The Bark

How to Groom Long Haired Dogs

How to Groom Long Haired Dogs

Having a dog brings joy to your home so it’s important to care for your dogs to keep them happy and healthy. But caring for a long haired dog can be difficult if you don’t have the knowledge and eq...
Common Plants that Are Dangerous for Dogs and Cats

Common Plants that Are Dangerous for Dogs and Cats

Spring is finally here and the flowers are blooming! They are beautiful, but some plants are dangerous for dogs and cats. Whether you’re decorating your house with blooms or letting your pets run o...
Natural Relief for Dogs with Itchy Skin

Natural Relief for Dogs with Itchy Skin

Natural Relief for Dogs with Itchy Skin  As a pet owner, it’s hard to watch your dog suffer from persistent itching. Over time, the frantic scratching and licking will eventually start to take a to...
My Dog Is Scooting – What Can I Do?
Dog Behavior

My Dog Is Scooting – What Can I Do?

My Dog Is Scooting – What Can I Do? You’ve come home to a disaster like no other. A trail of something foul stretches across the floor, and at its end sits your faithful four-legged companion. Even...
Top Puppy Names

Top Puppy Names

More than 1.26 million puppies were born in 2012, but what were the year’s top pet names? We took a look and found a few interesting trends that have continued on from last year and a couple of new...
Why dogs roll in dead or smelly stuff
Dog Behavior

Why Dogs Roll in Dead (or Other Smelly) Things

You’re taking your dog for a walk, perhaps down a verdant trail through the forest, or maybe along the beach, when your dog starts sniffing the ground with a bit more “focus” than is usual. He then...
Shedding Woes, Part 2: Tips on Managing Blowing Coats

Shedding Woes, Part 2: Tips on Managing Blowing Coats

Last week we explained the finer points of shedding, and more specifically, the huge annual or bi-annual event termed “blowing coat” experienced by double-coated dog breeds. Whether or not you have...
Dog Walking Etiquette: 5 easy "rules"
Dog Behavior

Dog Walking Etiquette: 5 Easy "Rules"

Though the “unspoken rules” of dog walking are as common sense to many of us dog owners and dog walkers as knowing what to do with our bottles and cans (recycle please!), or used Kleenex/other tras...